As most have seen by now, the contruction of 5 Lake tee is done, the sod is in, and the seed is down. It has been a really fun project that started on a whim. I was looking at the Cinnabar tee and trying to determine how we would make it bigger to accommodate the heavy traffic it experiences. Perplexed, I took a break to use the restroom and while walking back, I saw an area that I thought could be a new tee. With both the GM and golf pro in meetings I went over all the reasons why we couldn't put the tee in and couldn't come up with any. When I did get a chance to meet with the GM and Pro, they couldn't come up with any reasons why not as well. It really was a great area and adds 25 yards to short par 4. An hour later we were digging and the pictures that follow show some of the steps taken to make it happen.

The image above shows the rocks we found being placed for a feature item in the back left corner.
When building a tee, a hole is dugout to place the proper root zone material. In this case, the tee was dug out to 10".
Root zone material being spread out.
The finished project! It really was an exciting project as stated previously. Our foremen, Delfino Franco, and irrigation technician, Rolando Hernandez, performed all of the prep work with help from Ernesto Hernandez. The guys did an amazing job with what we have to work with. The new tee could be open anywhere from 6-8 weeks with a lot of factors that could make that timeline faster or slower. When the new tee is open, we will move the Cinnabar tees back to the old hawk tee and re-build the mounded Cinnabar tee so we will have two Cinnabar tees.