Wednesday, August 8, 2012

2012 Bird Season at Cinnabar Hills

With our last two owlets having fledged, the 2012 bird season is officially over.  It was a wonderful year for Lee Pauser, Cinnabar Hills, and hundreds of birds.  We (Lee Pauser) counted a total of 356 eggs on site.  350 of those eggs hatched and 264 birds actually fledged.  That is a 75% success rate!

The 264 birds that fledeged include Western blue bird (89), Barn Owl (12), Ash-throated Flycatcher (14), White-breasted Nuthatch (7), House Wren (25), Tree Swallow (99), Violet-green Swallow (15), Oak Titmouse (10).

It has been fascinating to work with Lee and his birds over the past two seasons.  He has really opened up the eyes of my crew, our members and myself to the birds that have always been here, but we never took the time to notice.