Friday, April 13, 2012

Coast Live Oak Treatment

 ArborWell was here again this past Wednesday finishing the treatments to the remaining oaks.  We had originally done only half due to the large cost and the fact that it wasn't a 100% guarantee.  With new buds breaking on most of the browned out branches, I decided to go ahead and finish the treatments.

I spent some time with ArborWell's operator Jay and it was really enjoyable spending time with him.  I asked him numerous questions about our trees and other issues going on in the area and Jay was able to answer everything for me.  I mention this because no matter who I talk with at Arborwell, I'm going to get the same information and quality work which is refreshing.

What Jay did for us was root inject a mix of biostimulants for general plant health and an insecticide for spider mites.  He also drilled into the trunk and applied a fungicide for Coryneum which is known to cause a twig canker on oaks.  The delivery method for the fungicide is really cool and also really safe.  After drilling the holes, all Jay had to do was pop in the fungicide packs and let it flow in.  It took 10-15 minutes for the fungicide to move in to the trunk.

In total, we sprayed 31Coast Live Oaks.  The recent rains will only enhance the treatments as better uptake by the tree should occur.