For those who've never stepped into my office, it was a mess. I'm the type who looks at a car (or golf cart for that matter) as something that gets me from a to b and I look at my office as a place to put things before I go out to the field. After 8 years, I've re-arranged the furniture to the way it was, cleaned it up and it now feels much more professional. Looking at the photos, it looks like there is still a lot of crap, but it's organized crap! My goal this year is to keep it clean even when the season gets hairy. I'd like to have meetings in my office this year rather than shuffle everyone up to the clubhouse. We'll see how long it actually lasts and if it does, maybe I can transfer the same effort to my golf cart! Below are a couple of items I enjoy on my wall.
Commercial Pump annual Christmas card |
Engineer's flow sheet |