Friday, January 15, 2016

What Was Suppose To Be Easy

It started off as just being a 500 sq ft bunker in which we were going to remove the sand, check the drains, and put new sand in.  It's 2 days later and not finished yet.  When we got to the drain, the entire 60ft length was filled with willow tree roots.  Crap.  The willow tree is 75ft away; go figure.  No problem, we'll just trench a new line.  Get the wire tracker so we don't break any pipes though.  We still located the pipe with the Bobcat trencher for double verification because single verification isn't how we roll here.  Double crap.  

The drain is in and the pipe along with cabling is finished.  The trench is almost full and we've got some rain coming just in time.  It'll be ground under repair for awhile. Who wants to play out of a bunker anyways.