Friday, August 28, 2009

Fire at Cinnabar

This past Tuesday we had another fire on 9 Mountain tee. We had a fire in this exact spot last year as well and I have determined that the tree is the problem. The problem is that the tree is a "peeing" tree and either a cigarette or cigar was flicked out there.

The maintenance crews response to the fire was incredible as you can see only a small area that got fried. This is the fourth fire in four years that maintenance has handled and every time they have come through with flying colors. Our maintenance crew actually put out a much larger fire four years ago before CDF was able to get here. Not a knock on CDF, but rather a compliment to how responsive our guys are.

Let this serve as a reminder that we are in the driest months of the year. If you are a smoker, extinguish butts with liquid if possible.